Flow Assurance
The oil and gas industry has faced challenges due to the production of oil and gas in deep and ultra-deep waters. These scenarios result in severe conditions in which it is necessary to ensure a successful and safe operation. Thus, it is necessary to know the multiphase flow behavior, in systems with up to 4 phases (liquid-liquid-gas-solid), depending on variables such as pressure, temperature, components, and velocities. Therefore, NUEM has been developed studies focused on: a) understand the hydrate formation processes on multiphase flow under shut-in and restart conditions; b) Assess the hydrate deposition phenomenon; c) Assess the influence of hydrates on multiphase flow, using model particles, mimicking hydrates particles.
Principal Investigator
Prof. Rigoberto E. M. Morales, Dr. (rmorales@utfpr.edu.br)
Research Topics
- Fluid characterization
- Flow characterization
- Hydrate formation phenomena/analysis
- Phase equilibria
- Multiphase flow modeling
Hydrate Formation and Characterization
Hydrate formation has been a challenge in the oil industry in recent years, as oil exploration and production has been reaching deep and ultradeep water, for example, the pre-salt area. The concerns regarding flow assurance for the safe and reliable transportation of fluids have increased sharply, especially on issues related to solid precipitation such as wax, asphaltene, scale, and hydrates. Hydrates are the main concern among the solid precipitation problems, as their formation and accumulation may occur relatively fast and unexpectedly unless formation risks are properly managed in flowing and stopped multiphase systems alike. The NUEM group has focused on understanding phenomena associated with the formation of hydrate plugs, as well as characterizing the most diverse systems that can be found during the production of oil and gas.
Coordinator: Prof. Rigoberto E. M. Morales, Dr.
This project aims to develop a theoretical and experimental study on the hydrate formation process in oil production activities in deep waters (pre-salt). Having as specific objectives: a) Characterization of the formation process (phase balance and kinetics) of hydrates involving CO2 (pure and in mixtures with high concentration), with and without inhibitors (ethanol, MEG, salt, and LDHI). b) Experimental study to develop knowledge of the formation of hydrates at stops and lines divided in a dominant oil system, including studies of phase separation, effect of inhibitors and degree / rate of cooling.
Financial Support
Highlighted Publications
Bassani, C. L., Kakitani, C., Herri, J.-M., Sum, A. K., Morales, R. E. M., & Cameirão, A. (2020). A Multiscale Approach for Gas Hydrates Considering Structure, Agglomeration, and Transportability under Multiphase Flow Conditions: III. Agglomeration Model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(34), 15357–15377.
Cordeiro, J. C., Jr., Marcelino Neto, M. A., Morales, R. E. M., & Sum, A. K. (2019). Phase Equilibrium of Carbon Dioxide Hydrates Inhibited with MEG and NaCl above the Upper Quadruple Point. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 65(1), 280–286.
Kakitani, C., Marques, D. C., Marcelino Neto, M. A., Teixeira, A., Valim, L. S., Morales, R. E. M., & Sum, A. K. (2019). Measurements of Hydrate Formation Behavior in Shut-In and Restart Conditions. Energy & Fuels, 33(10), 9457–9465.
Sirino, T. H., Marcelino Neto, M. A., Bertoldi, D., Morales, R. E. M., & Sum, A. K. (2018). Multiphase flash calculations for gas hydrates systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 475, 45–63.
Straume, E. O., Kakitani, C., Merino-Garcia, D., Morales, R. E. M., & Sum, A. K. (2016). Experimental study of the formation and deposition of gas hydrates in non-emulsifying oil and condensate systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 155, 111–126.
Laboratory Facilities
The Flow Assurance Laboratory is focused on investigating thermodynamic properties and multiphase flow behavior using high-pressure cells coupled with commercial softwares and software developed by the group (NUEMHyd).