Sensor Technology
The monitoring of multiphase flow is very important for safety and optimization purposes in many industrial branches, including oil and gas production. The multiphase flow is a complex phenomenon, requiring advanced measurement techniques for its proper characterization. Furthermore, multiphase flow modeling and code validation requires small and medium scale multiphase flow experiments with accurate and multi-dimensional measurement techniques for different physical parameters, such as phase fraction distributions, temperature fields, and velocity fields. In the past, UTFPR have developed different sensors/instruments based on impedance measurement, ultrasound and optical techniques.
Principal Investigator
Prof. Eduardo Nunes dos Santos (
Research Topics
- Sensors for Flow Assurance
- Multiphase Flow Instrumentation
- Optical Techniques
- Ultrassound
- Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
- Big Data & Machine Learning
Sensing Principles and Devices
R&D Projects
Coordinator: Prof. Marco José da Silva, Dr-Ing.
Project period: 2021 – 2022
This project aims to analyze the impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) presence in the multiphase mixtures and the consequences on multiphase flow meters (MPFM) performance.
Financial Support
Coordinator at UTFPR: Prof. Marco José da Silva, Dr-Ing.
Project period: 2017 – 2021
The TOMOCON project brings together 12 international academic institutions (including UTFPR as Associate Partner) and 15 industrial partners working together in the emerging field of industrial process control using intelligent tomographic sensors. The network will establish the scientific and technological foundations for the integration of imaging sensors in industrial processes and demonstrate its functional viability in laboratory and pilot scale applications.
Coordinator: Prof. Marco José da Silva, Dr-Ing.
Project period: 2015 – 2019
This project has as main objective the improvement and qualification of imaging sensors for use in industrial environments, as well as carrying out experiments with multiphase flow in an experimental circuit.
Financial Support
Coordinator: Prof. Marco José da Silva, Dr-Ing.
Project period: 2014 – 2015
Financial Support
Fundação Arauncária
Coordinator: Prof. Marco José da Silva, Dr-Ing.
Project period: 2011 – 2013
Financial Support
Coordinator: Prof. Marco José da Silva, Dr-ing.
Project period: 2010 – 2011
In this project, development of computational methods for the automatic extraction of parameters of interest in two-phase gas-liquid flows uses images generated by the wire-mesh technique.
Financial Support
Highlighted Publications
Longo, J. P. N., Galvao, J. R., Antes, T., dos Santos, E. N., da Silva, J. C. C., Martelli, C., Sum, A. K., Morales, R. E. M., & da Silva, M. J. (2020). Sensing Hydrates in Pipes by a Combined Electrical and Optical Fiber Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(9), 5012–5018.
Dias, F. D. A., dos Santos, E. N., da Silva, M. J., Schleicher, E., Morales, R. E. M., Hewakandamby, B., & Hampel, U. (2020). New Algorithm to Discriminate Phase Distribution of Gas-Oil-Water Pipe Flow With Dual-Modality Wire-Mesh Sensor. IEEE Access, 8, 125163–125178.
Ofuchi, C. Y., Eidt, H. K., Rodrigues, C. C., Dos Santos, E. N., Dos Santos, P. H. D., Da Silva, M. J., Neves, F., Jr., Domingos, P. V. S. R., & Morales, R. E. M. (2019). Multiple Wire-Mesh Sensors Applied to the Characterization of Two-Phase Flow inside a Cyclonic Flow Distribution System. Sensors, 19(1), 193.
Dos Santos, E. N., Wrasse, A. D. N., Vendruscolo, T. P., Reginaldo, N. S., Torelli, G., Alves, R. F., Naidek, B. P., Morales, R. E. M., & Da Silva, M. J. (2019). Sensing Platform for Two-Phase Flow Studies. IEEE Access, 7, 5374–5382.
Wrasse, A. do N., Vendruscolo, T. P., dos Santos, E. N., Pipa, D. R., de Moura, H. L., Castaldo, F. C., Morales, R. E. M., & da Silva, M. J. (2017). Capacitive Multielectrode Direct-Imaging Sensor for the Visualization of Two-Phase Flows. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(24), 8047–8058.
Laboratory Facilities
The Laboratory of Sensors and Instrumentation is focused on the development of sensors and measurement techniques suitable for the detection of high-resolution temporal and spatial parameters of a multiphase flow.

Smart Tomographic Sensors for Advanced Industrial Process Control
The European Training Network Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control (TOMOCON) joins 12 international academic institutions and 15 industry partners, who work together in the emerging field of industrial process control using smart tomographic sensors.