Fundamental and applied research, both theoretical and experimental, involving multiphase flow in pipelines and equipment.
NUEM comprises a multidisciplinary team involving professors, researchers and students from UTFPR’s Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments.
MultLab houses a comprehensive set of experimental test rigs, equipment, and tools for studying a wide range of multiphase flow phenomena and applications.
NUEM (Núcleo de Escoamento Multifásico) is the Multiphase Flow Research Center of the Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR). It has a long-lasting record on research and development for the energy sector with continuous and growing funding from industry and government. The main research areas are in
Research and development activities have been mainly developed by a multidisciplinary team coming from the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments. Hence the traditionally multidisciplinary problems found in the industry are often tackled from complementary viewpoints. NUEM is also linked to the UTFPR’s Graduate Programs in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, being involved in the education and training of graduate students. Furthermore, the Center maintains a close collaboration with national and international institutions.
We are proud to announce that our group has recently published a new paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal, entitled “Experimental study of influence of liquid viscosity…
In September of this year, the SPE Brazil Student Paper contest took place. Among several universities in Brazil, the graduate student Carolina Cimarelli Rodrigues from NUEM obtained second place in…
We are proud to announce that our group has recently published a new paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal, entitled “Investigation of the flow field in a…
We invite you all to check out the new paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal, entitled “Experimental slug flow dissipation analysis in pipes with horizontal to inclined…
Durante a Cerimônia do Prêmio ABCM 2021, no CONEM 2022, o NUEM recebeu o prêmio de melhor Tese de Doutorado, intitulada “A multiscale approach for gas hydrates considering structure, growth kinetics, agglomeration,…
We invite you all to check out the new article published by NUEM – Multiphase Flow Research Center in the Chemical Engineering Science Journal, entitled “Study of the bubble motion…