We are proud to announce the publication of a paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal titled “Spatial Distribution of Void Fraction in the Liquid Slug in Vertical Gas-Liquid Slug Flow”.
In this new study, we explore into the complex world of multiphase flows, specifically focusing on the aeration in the wake of the Taylor bubble. Our research shows how the Froude and Reynolds numbers influence the spatial distribution of gas fraction in the liquid slug. Through meticulous analysis, we’ve identified the stagnation point in the wake region and its correlation with the lowest gas fraction.
A new empirical correlation that predicts the average volumetric gas fraction along the unit cell using a Wire Mesh Sensor is proposed. Additionally, our study provides valuable insights into the radial and axial gas fraction along the liquid slug.
We invite you to read the full paper to explore the fascinating world of multiphase flows. Thank you for your continued support in our pursuit of scientific excellence!
Link to the publication: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0894177723002492
We’d also like to congratulate the authors Paul Delgado Maldonado, Carolina Cimarelli Rodrigues, Ernesto Mancilla, Eduardo Nunes dos Santos, Moisés A. Marcelino Neto, Marco Jose da Silva, and Rigoberto Morales for their work and effort on this study.
#Research #Science #MultiphaseFlow #FluidDynamics #Innovation #NUEM #UTFPR #PETROBRAS #SlugFlow #VerticalFlow #WireMeshSensor #HighSpeedCamera #GasFraction