The thesis of Dr. Carlos Lange Bassani, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rigoberto E.M. Morales (NUEM/UTFPR) and Prof. Dr. Ana Cameirão (SPIN/MSE), won the Prize of Best Thesis CAPES 2021 – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in the field of Engineering III (Mechanical Engineering and related). The thesis is entitled “A Multiscale Approach for Gas Hydrates considering Structure, Growth Kinetics, Agglomeration and Transportability under Multiphase Flow Conditions” and was part of the dual PhD degree agreement between NUEM – Multiphase Flow Research Center, a group under the PPGEM – Post-Graduate Program on Mechanical and Materials Engineering, at UTFPR – Federal University of Technology Paraná, Brazil, and SPIN Centre for Chemical Engineering, at Mines Saint-Etienne, linked to the University of Lyon, France. The thesis still owes to the contribution of Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Herri (SPIN/MSE-Fr) and Prof. Dr. Amadeu K. Sum from the Phases to Flow Laboratory of the Colorado School of Mines, USA.
The thesis deals with crystals called gas hydrates that form and agglomerate under multiphase flow conditions. Its applicability relates directly to oil and gas production in cold and deep waters, where this crystal is most likely to form, and where its complete inhibition is economically inviable in terms of the necessary amount of chemical injection.
The thesis provides an in-depth discussion on the multiscale, coupled phenomena regarding off-equilibrium thermo and fluid dynamics and an outstanding contribution to a better understanding of flowline plugging risks in the oil and gas industry.
The thesis can be accessed through the following link: