
New article at IEEE Sensors Journal

Our group has just published a comprehensive review of capacitive techniques for multiphase flow measurement. The paper explores the latest advances in capacitive measurement technology and provides a detailed analysis of its applications in measuring multiphase flows. Congratulations to our team for their hard work and dedication in bringing this valuable research to the scientific […]

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New article at Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal

We are proud to announce that our group has recently published a new paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal, entitled “Experimental study of influence of liquid viscosity in horizontal slug flow”. The work discusses the gas-liquid two-phase slug flow in horizontal pipes with different liquid viscosities.  Detachment of elongated bubble from pipe […]

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New article at Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal

We are proud to announce that our group has recently published a new paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal, entitled “Investigation of the flow field in a centrifugal rotor through particle image velocimetry”. The work discusses the flow field in a centrifugal rotor. This work is part of an extensive research project conducted by […]

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New article at Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal

We invite you all to check out the new paper in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal, entitled “Experimental slug flow dissipation analysis in pipes with horizontal to inclined downward direction change”. The work discusses the gas-liquid two-phase slug flow in ducts with slight direction changes. The slug flow tends to modify itself by […]

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NUEM recebe prêmio de melhor Tese de Doutorado, de autoria de Carlos Lange Bassani

Durante a Cerimônia do Prêmio ABCM 2021, no CONEM 2022, o NUEM recebeu o prêmio de melhor Tese de Doutorado, intitulada “A multiscale approach for gas hydrates considering structure, growth kinetics, agglomeration, and transportability under multiphase flow conditions”, de autoria do Dr. Carlos Lange Bassani sob a orientação do Professor Dr. Rigoberto Morales e co-orientação da Professora Dra. Cameirao Ana (SPIN/MSE). A tese […]

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New article at Chemical Engineering Science Journal

We invite you all to check out the new article published by NUEM – Multiphase Flow Research Center in the Chemical Engineering Science Journal, entitled “Study of the bubble motion in a centrifugal rotor based on visualization in a rotating frame of reference”. The work discusses about the movement of bubbles in a rotating impeller, […]

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